The Friday Night Series

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Friday night series is the fourth season of Ayesha Diaries. 

Related Read👀👉: Ayesha Diaries: Who is Ayesha?

Chapter 1: 

S04E01| Be careful what you wish for on a Friday night | The Afterparty

An engrossing dance tune makes lazy Ayesha get adventurous and get out of her apartment. A chance encounter makes her meet Mr. Picked-you-up on his birthday. Would the party go exactly as expected? Would this date be her best date?

What happened between neighbours who had never met in Mumbai in the same building complex? The house she always looked at from her bedroom window could be Ayesha's dream destination. Love is looking around the corner or should Ayesha be careful of dreams too sweet to be true? Or not?

Chapter 2

S04E02 | Be careful what you wish for on a Friday night BIRTHDAY

Ayesha could have got anything if she asked for it on that Friday night, maybe. Wondering how alone she is on Friday night, she meets Mr. Picked-you-up on his birthday in a chance encounter. She's met two irresistibly hot men in an old Edwardian house in the same compound where she has been living in the nonchalant and indifferent Mumbai for the last one year. Would the party go exactly as expected? Would this date be her best date? But, Oh, wait, with whom?
Read chapter two here. 

READ HERE👉👉 S04E03 | Friday night at HIS place

Will Ayesha really listen to Ritwik's request? Will she stay the Friday night over at this neighbour royal mansion? And what will happen then? If something feels good deep down in your heart, should you let it continue or listen to your brain?

©This work is copyrighted.

Copying or deriving characters from this story or any derivative work based on the theme of the book, Ayesha Diaries, or the characters mentioned in this book, is a legal offence.

“This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. The author has tried to recreate locales and popular destinations from her memories of them and woven stories around them. ”

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