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How to spell महापात्र (ମହାପାତ୍ର) in English?
Mahapatro Mahapatra Mohapatro are Utkal Brahmin surname which can be spelt either ways.
It's a very common occurrence in the Indian state of Odisha that while transliterating Odia words to English various spellings are used.
Mohapatra is the same as Mahapatra as is Mahapatro. Mahapatra or Mohapatra or Mahapatro, is originally a Hindu Brahmin family surname belonging to the Indian state of Odisha. This surname can be found among the Utkala Brahmins. Odisha used to be called Orissa and before that, Utkal in the past. Before Utkal, Odisha was also called Kalinga.
Mahapatro Mahapatra Mohapatro
Mahapatra or Mohapatro Mohapatra are all equally acceptable alternate ways of spelling the same ମହାପାତ୍ର (महापात्र).
Difference in spellings on government documents, govt. IDs, mismatch with Xth certificates etc. are a major cause of hassles we have to go through. Although such common alternate spellings in English (Roman script) are well-known abroad, in India, there's so much diversity that it's very difficult to know about every community. And, especially when it comes to Odisha, of course, it is India's best kept secret — even from Indians.
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