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Life….is so uncertain at times…and we never understand unless we
are in the right places to understand it. The grass always seems green on the
other sides.The paths that are not trodden are by default accepted to have been
great………great lush green things that we left……maybe…….cuz we do not know what
life would have been if we’d have made those choices that we havent made…….
Life always seems different from different places; from
different perspectives.

Coming back to the point,I heard that you do not know what it means
to top, until you do……..and you don’t know what it means to fail, unless you actually
True, often we are unable to see life from any other perspective
than our favourite……….ours.
It comes, by default, actually.
What is hard is to swap places, or minds…….rather…..You wont
know what it is to keep sleeping and yet feel tired, when you cant get up or
even still lie down……..nothing makes you comfortable……..No, no I am not talking
about those crap nokia “epic choices of life” advertisements……..they are simply
…… “just too much”.
But yes,w hen we are kids, we think elders dont understand what
it feels when we have so much homework, we are so damn stressed…that we are
having burn-outs(I have no idea what school life is these days, though)….ok, a
little more literal epic drama?? wont know what is alzeihmer until
someone in your family is suffering from it, and more still, you’d still not know
that much, if you don’t have to attend your grandmother who’s suffering from
When we are frustrated, we just don’t understand how people can
ever ask us to relax, but we do pacify our friends, with the same dialogues
when they are losing it.
Once somebody told me, “You have everything, what more can you
ever want………!”
Seriously??? “Step in my shoes and you’d know”
And guess what I heard? “Ya, sure, just take them out, I’ll try
your shoes”
Now that was one of those ‘It’s not even any use, tryin sayin
anythin!!’ moments….:P
Well……my intention was not about dissatisfaction, at all……..but
yes, there’s lot of grief, and tension…and no matter, how badly we say those typical
melodramatic lines “I understand……..”
we actually never do; until,
we do….lol……..But, we can…….if we try…Maybe that’s where, high quality acting
starts…….(no, I am not kidding!!) I mean you really really feel the character
and his pain, right?
P.S: I know I have simply lost it, I know you are gonna hit me,
for this mindless post…….but yes, you are used to it, now, arent you?
I am trying feed burner alternatives. Get your own 👉
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